So far our brilliant customers and staff have helped raise an amazing £35,323.37! for the Royal British Legion! Thank you!!
The Royal British Legion is a registered charity with registered charity No. 219279 (England and Wales).
As the challenges never diminish, neither will our determination to do our bit. Already our team are working on another feature fund-raiser, to, with your support, push ourselves and our contribution ever higher.
Another Poppy selling day will surely feature but before then we have the Grand National, Golf Masters and European Cup football to arrange fundraising sweepstakes around! And watch this space for a Vendor sponsored endurance event in the Summer……
Thank you to all our customers, suppliers, business partners, staff and their friends and to the amazing Royal British Legion too for their support this past year - you're all fabulous!
As well as working hard for our current charity partner, over the years, Upgrade Options staff are proud to have raised and donated money and or gifts to a number of local and National charities including the Salvation Army, Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Red Nose Day, the RNLI, Macmillan Cancer, Potters Gate Childrens Centre, The Forces Childrens Trust, Wiltshire Air Ambulance, the Teenage Cancer Trust and the Sebastian's Action Trust. Any charity interested in our support are invited to apply to legal_dept@upgrade.co.uk